Dress Code Policy


It is important for children to come dressed appropriately for school.  Children dressed in a manner that is not suitable for the season, or in distracting or inappropriate attire, lessens our chance to maintain a good learning environment. Therefore, the guidelines below will be followed:

  • Longer length style shorts, skirts and dresses are appropriate. A good “rule of thumb” to follow is clothing should be no shorter than fingertip length if the student is standing with arms straight down at his/her side. We ask that shorts be worn only in warm weather. Students are expected to go outside for recesses, except in extreme weather situations, so they need to be dressed accordingly.

  • Halter-tops, bare midriffs, tank tops, spaghetti straps, and “muscle” shirts are not appropriate.  All shirts should cover the belly.

  • Shoes that allow for good physical activity are best. Sandals should not be worn on days that a student has Physical Education class.  Flip-flop sandals are not to be worn at any time due to safety concerns.

  • Shirts, hats, tattoos or other clothing with vulgar/obscene messages or with advertisements for any alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. are not to be worn or displayed.

  • Low-riding or baggy pants and wallet chains are not permitted.

  • Headwear of any type is not to be worn inside the school.  We ask that adults also follow this rule when inside the building.  Exceptions will be made for medical and religious reasons.

  • Jeans with cuts or holes higher than fingertip length are not permitted.

  • During cold weather seasons please have students dress in warm clothing including coats, hats and gloves. If you need assistance with this please contact the school counselor. Please label these items with the student’s name on the tag. Students will continue to go outside for recess in the winter.

For instances where clothing is a concern, parents will be asked to come and get students or bring different clothing if necessary. We are aware and pleased that parents/guardians expect Cynthia Mann Elementary to set high standards and we thank you for your support.  It is important for students to know that “school is their job” and that they should dress appropriately when in attendance.